Monday, March 7, 2011

M is for Mischief

Do you ever have days when your children drive you batty?  The next time you have one of those days, read M is for Mischief: An A to Z of Naughty Children by Linda Ashman.  By the time you finish this alphabet book you will think your children are angels!  Of course, your child might come up with some new ideas to drive you batty!  However, that is not all will know they comprehended the poems in the book!

I love alphabet books, but I especially like this one because of the alliteration throughout the poems.  Alliteration is the repetition of the first sound in a series of words or phrases.  Each letter of the alphabet has a poem that tells the story of a naughty child.  For example the first poem in the book is Angry Abby.  The author uses several words that start with the letter A throughout the poem.  It is a great book to read aloud!

I also enjoy this book because of the vast vocabulary used by the author.  I guarantee this book will enhance your child's speaking vocabulary. When reading this book, make sure to take the time to stop and discuss the meaning of some of the words. This book serves as a great spring board for a writing activity.  You and your child can work together to create your own poem about a naughty child.  It might seem easy, but it is a very challenging task.

As for comprehension, your child will be able to make text-to-self connections (hopefully not too many!).  The book is also great for helping your child infer.  The title of the poem for the letter Q is Quarrelsome Quincy.  I doubt many young children know the meaning of the word quarrelsome.   However, after reading the poem your child should be able to use the text clues plus their background knowledge to infer the meaning.

This is such a fun book to read aloud.  I really think some books are meant to be spoken -- this is one of them.

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